Top Travel Destinations for 2018 Featuring Cleveland

Travel / Saturday, January 6th, 2018

ClevelandPlanning your next trip(s) this year? Maybe you’re looking somewhere exotic like Cambodia, or somewhere with a lot of culture, or maybe just daydreaming of warmer weather to escape from these freezing temperatures! There are so many great places to visit, it sometimes can be hard to narrow down where exactly you want to spend your hard earned vacation time and money on. Every year the National Geographic comes up with a list to help narrow your options, the hottest places to visit that year. And if you haven’t already heard the news, I’m proud to say my hometown of Cleveland, Ohio made the list! See below all the places that made the cut for 2018 and my personal take of why Cleveland, Ohio is worth visiting at least once in your life.

Top Places to Visit List from National Geographic:

  1. Harar, Ethiopia
  2. Jujuy Province, Argentina
  3. Tbilisi, Georgia
  4. Sydney, Australia
  5. Oaxaca, Mexico
  6. Vienna, Austria
  7. North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii
  8. Malmo, Sweden
  9. Jordan Trail
  10. Dublin, Ireland
  11. Madagascar
  12. Santiago, Chile
  13. Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  14. Cleveland, Ohio
  15. Tetouan, Morocco
  16. Seoraksan National Park, South Korea
  17. Albania
  18. San Antonio, Texas
  19. Labrador, Canada
  20. Friesland, Netherlands
  21. Ruaha National Park, Tanzania

Why Cleveland?

Now out of all the places on this list, one that sticks out like a sore thumb is Cleveland. Why Cleveland, Ohio next to Madagascar, Chile, Tanzania, and South Korea?? I’m here to tell you why. Yes, certain things like Lebron James, the Cavs, and even Khloe Kardashian lately have helped put us “on the map”. Maybe I’m biased, I grew up in Cleveland and surrounding suburbs my whole life. Cleveland has always had this unique personality completely unmatched by big cities like New York or LA. Cleveland isn’t showy or over the top but more down to earth and gritty.

Many people know that the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is located in Cleveland but not many people know the backstory. A Cleveland radio DJ, Alan Freed, in the early 1950’s coined the term “rock ‘n’ roll”. “White folks were listening to the likes of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. On the flip side, African Americans were listening to rhythm and blues, which was referred to as “race music.”” (This is Cleveland). He coined the term “rock ‘n’ roll” in order to get rid of the negative term of “race music” and bring people together. You can read more about the history of rock n roll music in Cleveland here. Cleveland, specifically Brooklyn High School, was also the place of young Elvis Presley’s first concert ever above the Mason Dixon Line. A trip to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a must if you come to Cleveland.

Art Exhibit Coming to Cleveland this Summer-Infinity Mirrored Room

Beyond the history of rock n roll in Cleveland, the city and surrounding suburbs have much to offer in great restaurants, breweries, and entertainment. The city has beautiful museums like the Cleveland Art Museum which will be hosting a world renown art exhibition featuring artist Yayaoi Kusama Infinity Mirrors this summer in Cleveland which I’m really excited about!  We also have the Cleveland Orchestra, Playhouse Square, and the beautiful Botanical Gardens for people who want their visit with a  little culture in Cleveland. For great local food, West Side Market is a must stop. I also can’t forget to mention our sports teams that helped put us on the map, the Cavs, Indians, and the team that shall not be named.

Beyond the typical “things to do” in the city, Cleveland is just a really great place to live. Despite the freezing temperatures during the winter, it really is beautiful throughout the year. We get all five seasons, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and “why is it still snowing in April”. Just a short drive from Cleveland and you’re visiting beautiful apple orchards in the fall, wineries, or beaches in the summer. Not only is it a great location, but it is also very affordable. The cost of living here is great compared to other cities.

There is always something new to discover here despite living here my whole life. One of my goals this year is to explore more of my hometown and travel like a tourist. Sometimes it’s amazing what you can discover in your own city!

Thinking of visiting Cleveland? Let me know any questions you have!

Read about my travel tips for surviving long flights wherever you decide to travel to this year!

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